Thursday, 2 March 2017

SM Nail Polish Review

Today I have three polishes from the Hidden Depths Collection to review and a cuticle oil by SM Nail Polish. 

First up I have "Blessing in Disguise", an autumn green/gold holographic polish. This polish was opaque in two thin coats. Blessing in Disguise applied effortlessly to the nail and self levelled well. It had a great brush size and dried very quickly. 
This wouldn't be a colour that would catch my eye if I was looking at polishes, but this polish sure did presently surprise me! I think it'll be a great autumn polish (which is ideal as Autumn has just arrived here in Australia). 
This polish is now available on SM Nail Polish's Etsy store for just $8.
Blessing in Disguise 

Next I have "Mum's the World", a gorgeous hot pink holographic polish. This polish was opaque in two thin coats. Application was effortless due to the great formula which self levelled well and dried rather quickly. Mum's the World also had a great brush size.
The holographic pigment wasn't very strong in this polish compared to most holographic polishes, but it depends what you're into. I love a strong holographic polish but again it depends on the occasion and what you're into.
This polish is available on SM Nail Polish's Etsy store for just $8.
Mum's the World

Next I have "Guarded Secret" a stunning deep purple holographic polish. This polish was opaque in two thin coats. Application was effortless, courtesy to the great brush size and formula which self levelled well. Guarded Secret also dried very quickly. 
This polish was my favourite out of the three I recieved, it definitely had the strongest holographic pigment, and I love a good purple polish!
This polish is available on SM Nail Polish's Etsy store for just $8.
Guarded Secret

Last I have their "Ultra Therapeutic Cuticle Oil". This oil was very moisturising and absorbed into my nail quicker than any cuticle oil I've tried. It's made with these four oils: Hazulnut oil, jojoba oil, avacado oil and vitamin e oil. As soon as I saw that jojoba oil was an ingredient this product immediately caught my eye! Jojoba oil is essential in a good cuticle oil. My only fault was that I had to apply it more times than I usually do with my other cuticle oil or else my nails started to get dry. 
This cuticle oil is available on SM Nail Polish's Etsy store for just $6.
Cuticle Oil

SM Polish have not let me down! The products they sent me were fantastic, you'll be seeing more of them on my Instagram account! The formula of each polish was basically flawless, but I'd recommend using a top coat if you're wanting to wear it for more than a couple days. SM Polish's products are also affordable, especially for an Indie company. Thank you Shakila for sending me these beauties to review x

You can purchase these polishes (and many more), from their Etsy store:

Other links:
SM Nail Polish's Instagram page:

* Disclaimer: SM Nail Polish kindly sent me these polishes to review with my honest opinion.

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